Numeracy Coordinator: Mrs A Hamill
At Parkhall Integrated College we ensure that our students are able to develop their understanding of cross-curricular mathematics. Numeracy is the foundation of mathematics. Our vision is that all students need to learn, develop and be confident with numeracy skills, and that this will serve them throughout their schooling, day-to-day life and future aspirations. We run a number of different numeracy programmes which include:
Sparx Maths: All students have access to Sparx Maths. All students complete their mathematics homework on Sparx Maths, which is set weekly.
Maths buddies: Sixth-form numeracy mentors complete a numeracy booklet with selected students focusing on the core skills of adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing.
Junior Maths Challenge: Students are selected years 8 and 9 to complete in the Junior Maths Challenge. This is a 60-minute challenge which encourages mathematical reasoning, precision of thought, and fluency in using basic mathematical techniques to solve interesting problems.
Axiom maths: Parkhall Integrated College enjoyed a partnership with Axiom maths which supports the approach is maths circles. These are small groups of students who meet weekly to tackle a curriculum of challenging maths problems.
Maths in registration time: key stage 3 students follow a programme of study focusing on developing the cores skills of adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing.
The Numeracy Island Hop: Year 8 students will complete numeracy related tasks in all of their subjects during the year.
What can you do to support Numeracy at home?
At Parkhall Integrated College, we work hard to support your child’s Numeracy development in all subjects and we would welcome any time you could devote to this at home.
It would be useful if you would also:
We have also produced a helpful numeracy guide for parents/guardians. This can be found here: