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The learning day

Each year group has a designated, supervised zone for gathering in the morning from 8:45am. Students must be in their designated, supervised zone by 8.55am. Students are collected by their form tutors from these zones and escorted to registration time or assembly. 

The Learning Day Time
School opens 8.45
Registration/Assembly 9.00 – 9.15
Period 1 9.15 – 9.45
Period 2 9.45 – 10.15
Period 3 10.15 – 10.45
Period 4 10.45 – 11.15
Break 11.15 – 11.30
Period 5 11.30 – 12.00
Period 6 12.00 – 12.30
Period 7a Junior Classes 12.30 – 1.05
Senior Lunch 12.30 – 1.00
Period 7b Senior Classes 1.00 – 1.35
Junior Lunch 1.05 – 1.35
Period 8 1.35 – 2.05
Period 9 2.05 – 2.35
Period 10 2.35 – 3.05