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Career ready

A comprehensive Careers Programme is delivered through fortnightly, hour-long careers classes, alongside various workshops throughout the academic year.

Support includes:

  • Experienced post-16 staff team to guide students through next step pathways by means of individual interviews
  • Step-by-step guidance through the UCAS process in Year 13 and 14. Students have the opportunity to attend the annual UCAS Careers Convention at the Eikon Exhibition Centre, and are advised of local open days at Queen’s University Belfast and Ulster University, as well as virtual open days for institutions across the water. Pupils are also invited to attend subject specific events at local universities
  • Guidance in applying for Higher Level Apprenticeships, with access to WorkPlus support
  • Fully paid subscription to Unifrog to assist pupils with managing the next step of their career pathways
  • Parent/guardian access to Unifrog platform to support decision-making
  • Feedback and guidance on UCAS personal statements
  • Interview preparation for university courses and apprenticeship placements
  • Study Skills workshops
  • Guidance on Student Finance and other Post-18 challenges

Support and Links

Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA)

EMA is a fortnightly payment of up to £60 for students who are aged 16-19. A bonus of £100 is also awarded, twice a year, to students who meet the conditions of their Learning Agreement. It is paid directly to students who stay on at school from households with an income of £20,500 or less with one dependent child, or if your household has an income of £22,500 and there is more than one dependent child. For more information, see the nidirect website.