Our Sixth Form runs a prefect system. The prefect system is very much valued in the life of Parkhall Integrated College and our prefects play an integral role in the day-to-day running of the college.
The prefect system is led by our Head Boy and Head Girl.
These honours are competitively sought and offer students positions of real responsibility in the college. As such, they equip students with key skills and experiences in leadership, in preparation for their post-18 future.
Training for the role is built into Induction for year 13 and 14 and includes role-plays, team building and training with Young Enterprise to develop their leadership skills. The year 14 Formal is a special occasion and there is always a stylish turnout from students and staff. Our prefects play a key role in organising this event.
Our prefects have specific responsibilities for organising functions, duties, the Study Room and the ever-popular formal. This provides our prefects with invaluable leadership and events management skills and experience.