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Posted: 25th October 2019

Lyric Theatre production

Parkhall Integrated College were proud to host a Lyric Theatre production called “ Blackout” by Davey Anderson.

Our senior pupils watched with interest as the amazing actors showed how drugs, grief and bullying lead to a frightening downward spiral with shocking consequences.

Backout doesn’t tell you what to think, it just asks you to imagine if all that happened to you: what would you do?

The actors were so believable in their roles and all who watched it found the production incredibly compelling and thought provoking. The performance was on the Assembly Hall floor, surrounded by the audience on three sides, this gave a feeling we were all part of the action!

There was a Q&A session at the end when pupils could ask questions about the issues raised, further developing these themes, including experiences of custody and coping with life afterwards.

Thanks again to the Lyric Theatre and the sponsorship organisations for visiting us with this powerful production, the main message being, if you are going through a difficult time, please talk to someone.

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Parkhall Integrated College Vision Statement

‘To provide an inclusive, caring learning environment where we all feel valued and respected and are empowered to reach our full potential’