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Posted: 1st October 2021

Macmillan coffee morning

Parkhall Integrated College Annual Coffee Morning took place on Friday 1st October – as usual staff and indeed pupils baked and donated.

Lewis Sands 9ML created a masterpiece chocolate cake which did not last long in the staffroom

Miss Quinn’s class 10MQ have collected the fantastic amount of £530. Well done 10MQ.

Year13 and 14 started the day off with chocolate doughnuts donated by Mrs White. Over £160 was raised just from this event.

All money raised will make a difference to all in the local area who have accessed the services of Macmillan Cancer Support.

Well done – Parkhall!!!!!

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Parkhall Integrated College Vision Statement

‘To provide an inclusive, caring learning environment where we all feel valued and respected and are empowered to reach our full potential’