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Posted: 9th September 2022

Taking Boys Seriously

On Friday 9th September, 9 students attended the Taking Boys Seriously summit at the University of Ulster, Belfast campus. Having been involved in the research project over the past academic year, the boys were invited to attend a day of workshops facilitated by a number of different organisations from across the province to celebrate boys’ achievements and progress in education. After a warm welcome from the summit organisers, some of the boys involved in the project and the Pro Vice Chancellor of the university, Professor Terri Scott, our boys attended a workshop on robotics facilitated by the UU Schools Outreach Team, where they navigated a robot using basic programming skills. Afterwards the boys were involved in a workshop with Pure Mental NI, a local mental health charity, where they discussed the various barriers young men face when talking about their own mental health and the importance of trying to overcome these. The afternoon was completed with pizza lunch provided by one of the event sponsors Four Star Pizza. Thanks to all the staff involved in the TBS project for making this trip possible, and to the boys who represented their school with maturity.

Parkhall Integrated College Vision Statement

‘To provide an inclusive, caring learning environment where we all feel valued and respected and are empowered to reach our full potential’