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Posted: 11th June 2021

Welcome New Year 8 Pupils

Welcome to Parkhall Integrated College!

I am delighted that you will be joining us in September, at what we hope will be the beginning of an exciting and rewarding school journey with us.

Each year, we are delighted to welcome pupils from a wide range of traditions, backgrounds and primary schools, and our induction programme in August is designed to allow everyone to get to know each other better.

We place great emphasis on ensuring that all pupils have the chance to make progress academically and socially and supplement our wide range of subjects on offer with an extensive provision of extra-curricular opportunities.

I look forward to seeing you in August.

Mr. G. Beattie


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Key staff involved with year 8 pupils

Day to day life at Parkhall

Parkhall Integrated College Vision Statement

‘To provide an inclusive, caring learning environment where we all feel valued and respected and are empowered to reach our full potential’