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Ebony Kerr

Name: Ebony Kerr.

Occupation: Pharmacy Assistant.

When did you attend Parkhall? 2012-2019.

What Class were you in? Who was your Form Tutor? 14P and Mrs. Stubbs.

What are your fondest memories of your time in Parkhall? It makes me sound geeky, but the science classes. I always found them fun, and I loved the experiments that we carried out.

Were you a member of any Teams or Clubs? I was in the netball team, and I took part in the art club and I signed up to learn guitar in 3rd year.

Achievements from your time at Parkhall? I earned so many awards during my time, but I feel my best achievement was reaching my own goals and getting on the path I want to be on.

What did you do when you left Parkhall? I studied Neuroscience at UCLan in Preston, England, and I graduated with a 2:1.

Where are you now? I am working in a hospital pharmacy department as an assistant and I’m hoping to eventually to go on to do my masters.

What advice would you give to our Parkhall students? Your grades don’t define you – work hard but don’t work too hard and enjoy your time in school. You’ll miss it when you look back.
