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Curriculum vision

Our vision is for students to develop their own thoughts and thinking, giving reasons and opinions on moral and religious issues; encouraging students to have an open and tolerant mind when exploring faith, and traditions which are different from their own.

Key stage 3

In key stage 3 students examine the Bible, Creation of the World, Christianity and the life of Jesus including his miracles and teachings. They will delve into the lives of influential figures such as Dr Barnardo, Mother Teresa and Martin Luther King and how they continue to have an influence in 21st century thinking. They are introduced to Judaism and Islam and have the opportunity to examine the key beliefs and key religious leaders.

Key stage 4

At key stage 4 we offer GCSE RE where we teach CCEA Full Course. In year 11 we study the Gospel of Matthew exploring the life of Jesus and his key teachings and relevance in 21st century NI. In year 12 we look at An Introduction to Christian Ethics, delving into issues including Abortion, Bioethics and Modern Warfare.

We also offer Religious Studies OCN Level 2 Certificate. The course is continuously assessed through the completion of a portfolio where we explore a wide variety of 21st century topics such as Addiction, Charity and Religious Charities, Personal Identity and Faith, Life and Death Issues, Prejudice and Reconciliation and World Faith.

We have a variety of external organisations who visit and provide the pupils an opportunity to learn about their faith and work.

Key stage 5

At key stage 5, A Level Religious Studies is offered to students.


The RE department organises for local churches and religious organisations to visit students at key points within the curriculum.

The RE department helps to support the school’s Scripture Union.

Parkhall Integrated College Vision Statement

‘To provide an inclusive, caring learning environment where we all feel valued and respected and are empowered to reach our full potential’